Thursday, December 5, 2013

COMMIT upgraded the Daily Time Record (DTR) processing module to accommodate student assistants (SA) with special work schedules such as those who are working in the dormitories, libraries, lecture classes, among others.

With a revamped interface, color-coded online DTR, and adjustable work hours, all student assistants will be able to generate their DTRs online starting 8 a.m. today.

Online generation of DTRs has improved the processing of the S.A. payroll because the cross-checking of class schedules and DTRs are no longer done manually. In the past, manual checking of DTRs (not including payroll processing) took about three weeks.

The revision of the system started a month ago with the automated SA requests. Offices were provided SA item codes with corresponding SA classifications based on their requests. This has significantly improved the office's file management and record tracking.
With the new system and a few policy changes, disbursement of SA salary will gradually become faster. OSA is not promising magic just yet especially because there is still a bit of a backlog with the first semester salaries. Students are reminded that OSA is continually looking for solutions on how to expedite the disbursement of the salaries.

Starting December 5 until 10, SAs can create their DTRs online at Upon creation, the DTRs must be submitted to their respective offices and finally to SFAD at Room 6, 2/F SU Building on or before Tuesday, December 10 (5 PM). Late DTRs will be processed the following month upon submission of an explanation letter signed by the SA and the immediate supervisor.

One of the solutions OSA implemented to expedite processing of salaries is the strict enforcement of the deadlines. SAs may only submit previous month's DTRs starting on the first until the fifth working day of the succeeding month except for November 2013 DTRs which deadline was moved to December 10.

Photo by János Balázs