Wednesday, April 30, 2014

As the midterm exams are fast approaching, you might want to find a cozy place to write your papers, conduct meetings, and study for the first wave of exams this summer. Pressured? Fear not because here’s our review of six study hubs near the campus.

CIA reviewed them according to affordability, ambiance, availability of Wi-Fi, quietness, and business hours.

Most of us might have already dined at this affordable fast food restaurant not just to have a quick meal but to conduct group meetings or study sessions. This 24-hour “study hub” offers food and beverages ranging from as low as P25 to P172, and since this is basically a diner, don't expect that it’s gonna be quiet. So to keep your head cool while studying, you might want to enjoy a McFloat or a sundae with friends.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

We asked over 13,000 UPLB students what their talents are. Some students are asking why we need this information. Some even argue that they don't have talents. Well, we ask this because we know how talented UPLB students are and we want to get to know them better. At the same time, we use our talent database to give opportunities to students so they can bring their intangible assets into play.

In the past, we've asked students to showcase their talents by performing during university events. These performances range from singing, dancing, acting, stand-up comedy, and even staged surprise performances. Last year, we looked for potential Communication and Infotech Assistants (CIA) in the talent database. These students are now getting paid to write articles and develop components of the OSAM System for us.

Here are the Top 10 Most Popular Talents in UPLB:
RankTalentFrequency (N=13130)
6playing basketball2.85%
8musically inclined2.48%
9playing the piano2.43%
10public speaking2.12%

The complete list of the 40 most popular talents of UPLB students form the UPLB-shaped visual representation below:

Surprisingly, sleeping has gained so much popularity that it's now a popular talent among UPLB students.

While we were tabulating and looking for trends in the talent database, we couldn't help but notice some unpopular talents that are worth mentioning. Here are 15 of these talents:
We don't really know how you do these especially fixing a broken heart and competitive eating but thank you UPLB students for sharing this with OSA. We hope that you would continue to hone your talents so you can use them to better serve the Filipino people.

And we apologize for deceiving you, there is no OSA-hosted talent show just yet. But feel free to let us know in the comments if you want us to host something like this!