Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The UPLB Office of Student Affairs, in coordination with the University Student Council, will conduct the annual almOSAlan event to welcome the new freshmen to the University on August 11, 2014 (Monday). AlmOSAlan is a welcoming breakfast program made possible through volunteer student organizations who dedicated time and effort to serve food, drinks, and sometimes, even give freebies!

The AlmOSAlan is one of the activities that helps make new students feel at home while they adjust to the Elbi environment. With the help of their fellow Isko and Iska, different kinds of food and drinks will be served to the new students to promote camaraderie and build trust.

Student organizations including new organizations and existing organizations not recognized in the previous academic year may register! To register, students must login to, go to My Forms -> AlmOSAlan Registration.

Photo by lesleychoa