Saturday, December 21, 2013

On the 25th, SOAD will deliver your holiday message to any UPLB student for free! Messages will be collected starting on the 21st until the 24th. Messages will be delivered via SMS on December 25.

  1. Greetings must be less than or equal to 100 characters.
  2. No foul, sexual, threatening, or abusive messages.
  3. Messages must be in English/Filipino.
  4. Sender and recipient must both have an OSAM account. Sender must login to the domain and get the account PIN.
  5. Only one message can be submitted by each student every 24 hours.
  6. Sender must know identifiable and conclusive information about the recipient such as name, degree, college, or mobile number.
  7. Recipient will not know the sender unless the sender discloses it in the name field.
  8. All messages are subject to review and all rights are reserved by SOAD not to deliver messages deemed inappropriate.
DISCLAIMER: The government did not fund this project or the resources used for this project. This is a result of staff creativity with resources from the staff members.
The SOAD Holiday Greetings has ended.
Photo by Jeremy Brooks