To cast all shadows of doubt, the organization recognition process happens only during the first semester. All organizations recognized during the first semester are recognized the following semester unless otherwise suspended. All organizations aspiring to be recognized must wait for first semester.
However, organizations must update their organization profiles and membership roster every second semester after the last day of late registration (November 29). To reduce paper usage, recognition update no longer requires organizations to submit printed copies of the updated organization profile. Instead, the information in the OrgsUP database must be updated online.
Point persons may now update their organization profiles by logging in to, clicking on My Organizations, and selecting the organization to update. There is a new tab labeled 'Recognition Update' in the organization profile.
Not in the SNE database? Just drop by SOAD to have your student number encoded. Bring validated UPLB ID or Form 5.
If you encounter problems, please do not hesitate to contact SOAD.
The deadline for updating is December 9, 2013 (11:59 PM).
UPDATE (as of 12/09/13 09:37 AM): The deadline for updating org profiles will be moved. The final deadline will be announced when we get our electricity back at SU and PhySci. In the meantime, you may help your members prepare valid photos of themselves as they need to upload a valid photo to complete their profiles.
UPDATE (as of 12/21/13 02:03 PM): The deadline for updating org profiles is on December 31, 2013 (11:59 PM). This is the FINAL deadline for the org update. Student Number Encoding deficiency checking will be disabled. Please ensure that all your members are registered UPLB students before completing the org update to avoid complications in your org records. Thank you.
UPDATE (as of 12/31/13 12:56 PM): Unfortunately, SystemOne is still offline. Deadline is now January 10, 2014 (11:59 PM). With three extensions now, we hope that all organizations will be able to comply. Thank you.
UPDATE (as of 01/14/2014 06:28 PM): Failure to update org profile and membership roster may cause recognition suspension. For the fourth and last time, deadline for update is extended until January 17 (5PM).
However, organizations must update their organization profiles and membership roster every second semester after the last day of late registration (November 29). To reduce paper usage, recognition update no longer requires organizations to submit printed copies of the updated organization profile. Instead, the information in the OrgsUP database must be updated online.
Point persons may now update their organization profiles by logging in to, clicking on My Organizations, and selecting the organization to update. There is a new tab labeled 'Recognition Update' in the organization profile.
Not in the SNE database? Just drop by SOAD to have your student number encoded. Bring validated UPLB ID or Form 5.
If you encounter problems, please do not hesitate to contact SOAD.
UPDATE (as of 12/31/13 12:56 PM): Unfortunately, SystemOne is still offline. Deadline is now January 10, 2014 (11:59 PM). With three extensions now, we hope that all organizations will be able to comply. Thank you.
UPDATE (as of 01/14/2014 06:28 PM): Failure to update org profile and membership roster may cause recognition suspension. For the fourth and last time, deadline for update is extended until January 17 (5PM).